The Story of How Cally and I Met

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Cally and I have been together for 8 years and married for 3. I’ve always wanted to get married but Cally never thought she’d meet anyone that she would want to marry. It took a while for Cally to come around to dating me (haha!). But I was patient thought we were meant to be so she was worth the wait.

Here’s our story.

Lesbian Forest Wedding

Towards the end of 2012, I was freshly single after a 3 year long relationship. In 2013 I was going on dates with girls through online dating apps and was having no luck. I promised myself I would stop trying so hard to date and deleted all the apps. If I met someone naturally, great. If not then I would focus on myself and my new job at a glass factory.

After working at my new job for a week my trainer asked if I was dating anyone. I told him I wasn’t and I had recently gone through a hard breakup with my girlfriend. My trainer said, “I know I lesbian you should meet!” and she happened to be working that day. I was so excited to meet a lesbian organically because I live in a small conservative town with very few LGBTQ+ people.

During break time my trainer walked up to Cally and asked if she wanted to sit with us. Cally is really introverted and had no interest in meeting anyone so she declined. I wasn’t going to let the only lesbian in a 20 mile radius go that easily! So I sat down at her table. We talked a bit and I let her know right away that I liked girls. Then break was over and we parted ways. I remember thinking that Cally was quiet, reserved and mysterious. Exactly what I find attractive and very different from anyone I’ve dated. Cally thought I was “Outgoing, bubbly and too excited” haha!

Lesbian Couple Engagement Photoshoot

Cally worked on a different shift than me so after that day I didn’t get a chance to talk with her for a week. I was so sad we didn’t exchange numbers. Finally, one day I was working on the factory line and saw Cally walking about 50 feet away from me. I didn’t know when I would see her again so I yelled, “WAIT!” and she turned around (Along with the whole rest of the factory!). I quickly scribbled down my phone number, ran up, and gave it to her. Cally was shocked by my excitement but still texted me that night.

I asked Cally if she wanted to go to the mall (remember when people did that?) and then get dinner. We met up over the weekend and I asked her every question I could think of to get to know her. Cally didn’t ask any back to me which made me sad. I wondered why she wasn’t interested in learning about me. I found out that she was 6 years older than me and was 26, had never been in a relationship before and never saw herself getting married. I asked her what her type was and she said she had no idea but she, “Never really looked at blondes” which made me very annoyed (Haha!).

We went out to dinner and I was trying to flirt with her but wasn’t getting anywhere. I didn’t know this at the time, but Cally thought I was only interested in being friends. My trainer told her about my breakup and that I needed a friend. So she was completely clueless when I was flirting and asking her about her dating life. When the end of the night came we hugged but no kiss which bummed me out.

Cally texted me when I got home and asked what was wrong. I told her that I was hoping this was a date and was sad we didn’t kiss. She said she was just interested in being friends. I told Cally that I would be her friend and said goodnight.

Butch Femme Lesbian Engagement

In my opinion, we had a terrible first “date” because I knew so much about her but she didn’t put in an effort to get to know me. Even still, after spending time with her I could tell that she had qualities that I wanted in a spouse. She was very strong emotionally and was a hard worker, completely different from the people I had dated in the past. Cally had no experience with dating anyone so I figured that it would take time for her to decide to date. After getting to know Cally I thought that she liked me but needed to get to know me better. Once she did she would be interested in dating me (Pretty arrogant but I had a good feeling about us haha!).

We kept talking and seeing each other for a few months as friends. Since we were just friends I decided to meet up with an ex-girlfriend. Cally went into work that day and told her coworker/friend about it. She asked him why it was bothering her that I was spending time with an ex and he said, “You like her”. Turns out she had been talking about me a lot with her friend so he knew before she did. With her friend’s help, she realized that she liked me.

While I was visiting my ex-girlfriend Nikki she asked if I wanted to give our relationship another try. I told her no because I had a good feeling about Cally and wanted to see what would happen between us.

Lesbian fall engagement photo

Cally and I met up again and after two months she finally asked me to be her girlfriend. We quickly fell in love and Cally’s feelings grew A LOT. After just one month of being together she asked if I wanted to move in with her. I thought she was crazy, but I hated where I was living at the time so I gave it a try. We’ve never been apart since! We dated for one year and Cally was ready to propose. I told her I wanted to date for at least 3 years since that’s when my other relationship failed. She agreed and proposed once enough time had past.

Butch Lesbian Wedding Suit

We had a small outdoor picnic wedding after 5 years of dating. You can read more about our wedding here. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the trainer who introduced us and Cally’s coworker came to our wedding. Here’s a picture of my trainer, now my friend, getting a shoutout at our wedding for being the one who made it happen.


Cally’s temperament has been perfect for me. I am a very emotional person and she balances me out. I can be all over the place and she is a needed stability in my life. I like to have a lot of fun so I brought excitement and happiness to her life. Cally and I both thought we might like to travel when we were single but neither of us had traveled much before. Now that we’re together we have been all over the place and went to England on our honeymoon. We both have a life goal of visiting Austria and Japan in the next few years.

We are so glad we met and are looking forward to many more happy years together. Thanks so much for reading and wanting to get to know more about us.


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